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20 Power of Yet Activities for Young Students


1. Growth Mindset Poster: Have students create posters with motivational quotes or phrases related to the Power of Yet, such as “I can’t do this…yet!” or “I don’t know…yet!”

2. Goal Setting: Encourage students to set achievable goals for themselves and create plans to reach them while incorporating the Power of Yet language.

3. Journal Writing: Have students maintain a journal where they reflect on their daily challenges, successes, and ways they used the Power of Yet mindset.

4. Role-Play Scenarios: Create role-play activities where students act out real-life situations where they can apply the Power of Yet mindset, like dealing with a difficult task or working through a struggle.

5. Mindset Bookmarks: Design bookmarks with growth mindset phrases that remind students to embrace the Power of Yet. Distribute these bookmarks for use in their school books.

6. “Yeti” Mascot: Design a classroom mascot called “Yeti,” which represents progress and a positive mindset. Use it as a fun way to remind students about the Power of Yet.

7. Encouragement Board: Set up an encouragement board in your classroom where students can leave positive notes and messages for each other, incorporating the Power of Yet language.

8. Classroom Chants: Create a catchy chant or song that focuses on the Power of Yet concept to sing together as a class during transitions or at the beginning/end of the day.

9. Reward System: Develop a reward system that highlights student success when they demonstrate the Power of Yet attitude instead of just focusing on academic achievements.

10. Class Discussions: Organize class discussions regularly where students share stories about how they have applied the Power of Yet in their lives outside school.

11. Inspirational Videos: Show short videos featuring famous people discussing how they overcame challenges by embracing a growth mindset or emphasizing the importance of perseverance.

12. Brain Breaks: Incorporate brain breaks during lessons to promote mindfulness and stress management while reiterating the importance of a growth mindset.

13. Read Alouds: Select picture books that feature characters demonstrating a growth mindset or overcoming challenges through perseverance, and discuss the Power of Yet with students afterward.

14. Inquiry-Based Learning: Use inquiry-driven projects that require students to problem-solve and think critically, allowing them to apply the Power of Yet when faced with difficulties.

15. Classroom Mural: Work together as a class to create a large mural that represents the Power of Yet message, with individual contributions from each student.

16. Character Strength Exploration: Help students identify their character strengths and areas for growth, encouraging them to embrace the Power of Yet in all aspects of their lives.

17. Peer Tutoring: Establish a peer tutoring program where students teach and support each other in areas they struggle with while using the Power of Yet language.

18. Flip Negative Statements: Encourage students to transform negative self-talk into positive statements incorporating the word “yet,” e.g., “I can’t do this” becomes “I can’t do this yet.”

19. Test Reflections: After assessments, have students analyze their results and create action plans for improvement using the Power of Yet framework.

20. Guest Speakers: Invite local individuals who display resilience in their personal or professional lives to share their stories, emphasizing how they used the Power of Yet to overcome challenges.

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