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What Drives Pushpa’s Actions? Samantha Reveals!


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‘s popular podcast explores human psychology in a new episode. She and co-host Alkesh discuss how our bodies react to threats, including fight, flight, freeze, and fawn responses. They explain how these natural defenses affect our behavior and emotions under stress, using real-life examples and movie references.

The conversation goes beyond understanding these responses, offering strategies to overcome them. Therapy, meditation, and self-awareness are highlighted as tools for healthier coping mechanisms and mental well-being.

The episode even connects these concepts to ‘s character in “ ,” shedding light on how trauma can explain his actions. Samantha emphasizes the importance of understanding these responses, assuring listeners that freezing is a natural reaction to trauma and not their fault.

Her podcast entertains and empowers listeners with valuable knowledge about themselves. With her upcoming project “Citadel: Honey Bunny” generating excitement, Samantha is making a mark both on and off-screen. Her podcast explores fascinating topics, making psychology accessible and engaging for all. By sharing valuable insights and strategies, Samantha is helping listeners understand themselves better and promote mental well-being.​
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